SEO Webroute LTD.


Habe Fragen?

Unser Kundenberater steht Ihnen rund um die Uhr zur Verfügung, um Ihre Fragen zu beantworten.

+ 4969 299 177 82


What is Spam?

Spam is any commercial email sent without the recipient’s permission. A commercial email is defined as an electronic mail message aimed at the commercial advertisement or promotion of a product or service.

Permission to send emails

Here at Webroute, we adhere to the Anti-Spam Policy. Our automatic newsletter, as well as emails sent by our sales and support managers, are intended for users or subscribers who are registered on our website and have voluntarily provided us with their user data. When registering in the Webroute system or entering any personal data, the user gets a notification about the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy that we use on our website. He or she should accept them to proceed.

Email subscription cancellation

Every client may easily unsubscribe from our newsletter by using his/her setting page in their account or clicking the unsubscribe link at the bottom of our newsletter. If the user has created a report that is automatically sent according to the given schedule, then he/she can stop this mailing by using the reports page in his/her account or by clicking the disable report delivery link at the bottom of our newsletter.

Email letter and infrastructure monitoring

We constantly monitor the statistical indicators of the letters we send and check the reliability of the infrastructure we use.
We put a premium on everything from the domain authority and an IP address to the spam-blocking ratio, deliverability indicator, and open rate.
The services like MX Lookup,Postmaster tool, Mail tester help us adhere to the most protected practices of sending emails to our clients.

Receiving unwanted messages from us

In case you receive any message from us that may be considered as spam, please contact us using the details below, and this will be investigated.

Phone: +44 7491 43 62 92 - United Kingdom


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